Intro to ECE Voices, Region 2
Region 2 Community Advocates come together to network and learn about ECE Voices and the upcoming legislative session. You experienced some wins during the 24-25 session, but there's work yet to be done from the new rate methodology to the sunsetting of hold harmless.
During this meeting with your Lead Advocates, you'll discuss what's working at your agency and what's not and how ECE Voices can help you advocate at the city and state level to get the support you need!
This meeting is for you if you live or work in Butte, Glenn, Lassen, Modoc, Plumas, Shasta, Siskiyou, Tehama, or Trinity!
Your Lead Advocates Are:
Jennifer Torres
Enrollment Manager, Northern California Child Development, Inc.
Christina Iftiger
LPC Coordinator, Butte County Office of Education
Robyn Solansky
Program Director, TLC Preschool
A link will be provided to you through your e-mail confirmation as well:
Meeting ID: 915 2334 2950
Passcode: 774551