2022-23 Public Policy Priorities

Legislation & CA Budget,

Public Policy Platform 2022-2023

Approved by Membership October 26, 2022

EveryChild California provides and develops leadership and education that supports subsidized early care and education programs for children from birth to age 12 and their families. The vital importance of early care and education programs has never been as obvious as during the COVID pandemic. All families need access to high quality early care and education programs, regardless of income level. Increased funding and critical supports and investments of the industry are vitally needed to fully support this field for all the important work they do.

EveryChild California’s priorities are based on sufficient FUNDING to pay providers for the cost of care. Increase ACCESS to all eligible families. Support and uplift wages and training to the WORKFORCE and provide QUALITY services to families and children.

California’s economic success and viability rely upon a comprehensive early care and education system that includes a local, diverse delivery system.

  1. Support a Single Reimbursement Rate System - Increase reimbursement rates for all providers through the cost-based model proposed by the CA Rate and Quality Work Group to compensate and support ECE professionals.
    • Contract earnings and provider payments are based on child enrollment or contract expenditures whichever is less
    • Reduce burdens to families by creating an equitable sliding scale for family fees ensuring they do not exceed 1% of a family’s income
    • Implement coordination factor to encourage programs to blend multiple programs, such as TK wrap, HeadStart, CSPP and CCTR.
  2. Expand Mixed Delivery Universal Access to all four-year-old children in California through a blend of subsidized and non-subsidized Early Education providers.
    • Provide grant funds for programs shifting to serve younger age children. As more 4-year- olds are being served in TK, programs will need funds to support necessary program modifications and staff training to serve younger age children similar to the supports K- 12 has received to serve TK age children.

Questions: Contact Nina Buthee, Executive Director, EveryChild California, nina@everychildca.org