ECE Voices | Office Hours

ECE Voices Office Hours

Recurring Event
Last Date: Thursday, June 13, 2024
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PDT)

ECE Voices is dedicated to helping you become a strong advocate for your program and your community. Your experiences are invaluable and powerful and by sharing them, you can make a difference for subsidized childcare agencies across the state.

In an effort to support your growth in advocacy, ECE Voices Advocacy Organizer, Justina Erpelding will be hosting bi-weekly Office Hours open to anyone. Pop in at any time to discuss whatever is on your mind. Here are some topics that might come up:

  • Do you understand your contract type and how certain budget and legislation will impact it?

  • Do you have questions about the advocacy, legislation, and budget training that ECE Voices has provided?

  • Do you want to understand how to find your legislator?

  • Is it confusing how to contact your legislator or when to contact a committee chair?

  • Do you know how to use the Support Letter Portal?

  • Do you have questions about current legislation and budget issues?

To ask these questions and more, just click the Zoom link to enter the virtual room and talk directly with Justina to have your questions answered. Office hours will start on April 4th and will be available bi-weekly until June 27th when a break will be taken for the summer.

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 921 2346 0560

For More Information:

Justina Erpelding

Justina Erpelding

Advocacy Organizer, EveryChild California

View Profile
